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The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,
the world, and those who dwell therein (Psalm 24:1) 

There is no knowledge of God outside of nature. We who are created cannot recognize or realize our Creator apart from creation. The full awareness of our evolution through mineral, vegetable, and animal forms, reflected in every sequential day of creation in Genesis, all continually make possible our human body, mind, and spirit. By this evolution, we become capable of inquiring of our origin in God. Being made in the image and likeness of Elohim (Genesis 1:26) means we are to embody holiness. Kabbalah teaches that we are the intention of creation, the essence of earth and heaven. 


The Fabric of Heaven and Earth

When mystics and gnostics comment on Genesis, one’s surprised to learn that nothing narrated is literal or material. Every day Elohim speaks another layer of creation into being is a teaching on the metaphysical structure within and behind the physical surface of creation. In Genesis, Elohim is weaving an undivided fabric of consciousness. Heaven and earth are a seamless fabric of God’s Presence formed by archangels and angels. In this sense, we can contemplate creation as the garment of Elohim. Bless the Yahweh, O my soul./ O Yahweh my God, you are very great./ You are clothed with honor and majesty/ wrapped in light as with a garment (Psalm 104:1-2). The integrity of this fabric depends upon the human one, whose heart is its intersection. creation displays the state of our heart: in union with God, we prosper; in divorce from God we suffer. With ecological images, prophets spoke precisely about the interior lives of people. Being made in Elohim’s image and likeness simply means that in us is the power to complete and perfect Creation or to destroy it. 


The Nobility of All Living Beings

Mystics and gnostics teach that for every blade of grass there is an angel telling it, “Grow!” Every biome, every living being, lives by the breath of Elohim. The more we know about the intelligence of life and all of its forms, the less we can dismiss creation. Each creature is as unique as ourselves. Each living being is a self through whom Elohim experiences creation. As living beings learn, evolve, and adapt, so does this of Elohim, immanent as creation. When humans turn to the Creator in their heart, the Holy One becomes conscious of Godself. Whether just getting out in nature to relax and enjoy or on a focused, spiritual retreat, we, like the prophets, revere wildlife and natural phenomena as a word of Elohim.


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